Responsive, interactive ads for product launch of advanced electrical contact element.
Responsive, interactive ads for product launch of advanced electrical contact element.
Interactive iPad learning tool of CombiTac modular connector.
Interactive iPad learning tool of CombiTac modular connector.
Interactive iPad learning tool for CombiTac modular connector.
Interactive iPad learning tool for CombiTac modular connector.
E-Commerce mobile app for solar products.
E-Commerce mobile app for solar products.
Re-designed corporate website featuring mobile-optimized landing pages.
Re-designed corporate website featuring mobile-optimized landing pages.
New web landing pages for target product groups:  Life Sciences, Aerospace & Defense, Data Centers
New web landing pages for target product groups: Life Sciences, Aerospace & Defense, Data Centers
Digital Journey from Print to Web & Mobile 
As part of the overall digital transformation strategy for Stäubli Electrical Connectors, we were looking at ways to engage our prospects and leads in new ways.  Coming from a print-based marketing background, Multi-Contact USA & Stäubli wanted to dive into the world of digital marketing new tools and touch points for in-house staff and customers. 
Figure 1:  Pictorial summary of overall digital transformation strategy.  Focus areas for this case study were:  Key Market Segments, Content Marketing, and Touch Points. 
Reach more qualified leads for engineering and offer new digital touch points to promote brand and optimize selling products.  
Engineers, Project Managers, Technical Buyers, Sales Staff
UX research of target industry segments, concept generation, wire frames, Photoshop/Powerpoint/Sketch mockups, user flows & interaction design, marketing copy, user testing.  Collaborated remotely UK-based creative agencies and Swiss marketing-communications team. 
Multiple projects over 2015-2019 
Adobe Photoshop & InDesign
MS Powerpoint
UX Surveys Mindshare Technologies (now InMoment)
UX Interviews (Trade Shows, Lunch & Learns, Field Operations)
My UX Design Process
Customer Experience Surveys
Before the start of this project, the company had conducted an online and phone customer experience survey to determine the areas where we needed to improve to provide a better experience for our customers. We focused on three areas: Overall experience, product sourcing, and vendor selection. 
Over 150 survey takers
> 60% not satisfied with website navigation
> 67% hard time finding right product
> 70% have to contact customer service to find product
> 53% can't find the website on a simple web search

Sample customer response:
"I didn't know you guys actually sell something!?"

Once I've gathered the results from the surveys and other customer questionnaires, we refined our target audiences for our key markets of the website and marketing campaigns as well as looked at our competitors.  We observed the following with our competitors' websites:

- They have more interactive websites with user-friendly buyer shopping tools.  Our site didn't have this.

- Feature faster discovery-to-purchase funnel for their products.  Our site had only a hidden contact form, but no guidance as to source the right product for the right application.

 - Better marketing campaign strategies on industry sourcing sites that led the customer easier to their landing pages. 

As part of Stäubli's marketing strategy following the survey results, we decided to create custom interactive ads to serve as both:  online, brand-building ads, as well as sales-enablement tools for our engineers and customers.
Figure 2:  Sample task model for Thomasnet for target ads based on buyer product sourcing behavior.
Hi-Fidelity Mockups of Sample Ads
Below are sample screens for the interactive ads.
Interactive iPad Ad for CombiTac - Modular Connector System.  
Responsive advert for product launch of new high-power contact technology
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